Amuse Bouche
Puffed Fish skin
Golden Delicious
serves 4
  • Skin from 1 codfish
  • 1 l of water
  • 20 g salt
  • Oil for frying

  • 1 codfish head.
  • 20 g ground parmesan
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Salt
  • 10 g chopped dill
  • 30 g Brunoise Golden Delicious
Jimmy Øien
For Jimmy Øien, what matters is not how an ingredient looks, but how it can be incorporated into a dish. He has created an original four-course menu for us based on his sustainable philosophy.
Puffed Fish skin
Fish skin
Prepare the fish skin, and ensure it is free from any flesh or scales.
Boil the skin for 6 minutes.
Place onto baking paper and set a dryer or oven to 65 degrees Celsius, dry overnight.

Heat oil to 180°C and fry the dried fish skin for 10-15 seconds - You will see it puffs!
Place the fried skin on dry paper to soak up excess oil and allow to cool. Trim to size with a knife.

Fish Crème with golden delicious
Set the oven to 120°C and bake the fish head for 15 minutes.
Remove the fish meat off the head and use a paper towel to press out all the liquid, allow to cool.
Add egg, mustard, lemon juice, and chopped dill in a kitchen blender.
Slowly add the oil while blending. Once combined, add fish meat, parmesan, and apples, plus a little bit of salt to taste.

Serve with fresh dill.