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Apples and their nutrients
What makes Marlene
apples so healthy?
apples are not only characterized by their high quality and unique taste, they are also really healthy. A multitude of nutrients make the apple an indispensable food that should be consumed regularly. It's not for nothing that they say: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".
On this page we show you the healthy ingredients of the apple and what positive properties they have on your body.
Apples are the ultimate source of water
Water is a vital component in our body, enabling basic bodily functions to operate smoothly. This is why doctors recommend drinking adequate amounts. Due to their high water content, apples are therefore a delicacy that also contributes to the ideal daily intake.
What is the water content of an apple?
The water content of an apple is relatively high at 85%. By way of comparison, the human body is composed of just 50% water.
Why is it vital for the body to have an adequate supply of water?
Water facilitates functions that are essential for survival, such as breathing, transporting nutrients, regulating body temperature and cooling the skin. Without sufficient water, these functions cannot take place.
How much water should adults consume and how can an apple contribute to this?
The recommended water intake for an adult is 1.5-2 litres per day, which allows the body to compensate for the losses associated with the aforementioned vital functions. Since water is not only absorbed by drinking, but also through food, apples are an ideal source of water.
What makes apples an energising food?
The fact that apples contain not only a lot of water, but also dextrose, makes them an energy source.
The ultimate health indicator
It is well known that vitamins are good for health and apples are full of them. Vitamins perform many important functions in the body and must be ingested through food. Some of them acquire their characteristic form only as a result of metabolic changes in the body and are therefore called provitamins.
What vitamins can be found in apples?
An apple contains vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, provitamin A, niacin and folic acid.
What are the main vitamins in apples?
In percentage terms, the most abundant is vitamin C. It contributes to the normal function of the immune system, skin and gums. With just one apple, you can therefore obtain one third of your daily vitamin C requirement.
What vitamin in apples protects against oxidative stress?
Vitamin E, which also contributes to autogenous cell production.
What effect do vitamin B complex and folate have?
These substances are important because they contribute to normal homocysteine metabolism, mental function and blood formation.
Do different apple varieties have different vitamin contents?
Yes. Green apples have a lower vitamin C content than red apples, but are richer in fruit acids.
Secondary plant compounds
Fundamental for good nutrition
Although secondary plant compounds (or phytochemicals) are important for a healthy diet, very few people are aware of them. These chemical compounds are not essential for the plant, but nevertheless make apples highly nutritious.
What secondary plant compounds are found in apples?
Apples contain phytochemicals such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, quercetin, phenolic acids and carotenoids.
What parts of an apple contain secondary plant compounds?
They are mainly found in the skin.
What is the predominant secondary plant compound in apples?
In terms of quantity, quercetin.
What are anthocyanins and where are they found on apples?
Anthocyanins are red colouring agents that are mostly found in apple skin.
What are the properties of flavonoids?
Flavonoids are also responsible for apples’ colouring. These plant-based colouring agents have a very broad spectrum of effects.
Resistant nutrients
Minerals are inorganic vital substances. Unlike vitamins, they are highly resistant to air and heat, but can still be lost when food is cooked for a long time. Apples should therefore preferably be eaten raw.
What minerals are found in apples?
Apples contain many important nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iron.
What is the main mineral in apples?
In terms of quantity, potassium. Potassium contributes to normal muscle function.
How can apples help optimise the absorption of minerals found in other foods?
Fruit acids in apples improve absorption of minerals contained in other foods; for example, cutting an apple into pieces in yoghurt promotes absorption of the calcium in the yoghurt.
Why are apples such an important source of minerals?
Compared to other fruits, apples do not have the highest content of minerals and vitamins; however, since they are regularly consumed, they are a valuable source of both substances.
What minerals are present in apple skin?
In addition to unsaturated fatty acids, the skin contains secondary phytochemicals, dietary fibre, iron and magnesium.
Dietary fibre
Soluble and insoluble fibre
Dietary fibre is a largely non-digestible nutritional component and an important part of our diet. It can be divided into soluble and insoluble fibre and provides the sense of fullness that you experience after eating an apple, for example.
Why is a mainly non-digestible nutritional component important?
Dietary fibre feed our intestinal bacteria and thus have a positive effect on the intestinal flora.
How does insoluble dietary fibre aid digestion?
Cellulose, an insoluble fibre, helps, for example, to stimulate digestion and improve nutrient absorption.
How does soluble dietary fibre aid digestion?
Pectin, a soluble fibre, can protect the gastric mucosa.
Does dietary fibre have other uses?
Yes, apple pectin can also be used as a gelling agent in jams and jellies.
What parts of an apple contain the most dietary fibre?
In the core.
Each to their own apple
has always stood out for its rich array of varieties which range from the juicy Gala to the sweet Fuji and through to the slightly tart Granny Smith to cater for all tastes.
Discover the varieties